Hey Calvary,
Welcome to March. I hope that your family has been blessed by singing "The Love of God" throughout February and that you are looking forward to our next hymn. This month we will be singing "Be Thou My Vision (All That I Long For)".
This is one of my personal favorites and I am grateful that Pastor Dan suggested it to go along with our study in Colossians.
I've included the modern chorus that we use on Sunday mornings but feel free to just use the verses as you sing it with your family. Also, bonus points if you learn the lesser known verse 3 (not included in this recording).
Once you have learned it, we would love to hear your family (or you and your friends) singing it. If you make a video of your family singing be sure to tag @CalvaryBristol when you share it.
May this song encourage you, pointing your affections and hopes towards Christ.