Review Bible 101 or Bible 102, the links are below!
Week One: | Handout: Word PDF | PPT Notes | Video Replay |Homework: Week Two |
Week Two: | Handout: Word PDF | PPT Notes | Video Replay |Homework Week 3 |
Week Three: | Handout: Word PDF | PPT Notes | Video Replay |HW Week 4 |
Week Four: | Handout: Word PDF | PPT Notes | Video Replay |
Bible 102
Week One: Why Study the Bible?
| Handout | Notes | Video Replay | Homework for Week 2 |
Week Two: How did we get our Bible?
| Handout | Notes | Video Replay | Homework for Week 3 |
Week Three: Is the Bible really God's Word?
| Handout | Notes | Video Replay | Homework for Week 4 |
Week Four: What are the books of the OT?
| Handout | Notes | Video Replay | Homework for Week 5 |
Week Five: What are the books of the NT?
| Handout | Notes | Video Replay |
Bible 101
Week One, April 23: 6 Frame Overview of the entire story of the Bible.
Week One Handout | Week Two Homework| Week One Powerpoint
Week Two, April 30: Creation to the Nations
Week Two Handout | Week Three Homework |Week Two Powerpoint
Week Three, May 7: Abraham to the Land.
Week Three Handout | Week Four Homework | Week Three Powerpoint | Week Three Video |
Week Four, May 14: Judges to the Judgment
Week Four Powerpoint | Week Five Homework | Week Four Video |
Week Five, May 21: Intertestamental Period & Christ, our Living Hope
Week Five Powerpoint | Week Five Handout | Week Six Homework | Week Five Video |
Week Six, May 28: Acts to Revelation
Week Six Handout Notes | Week Six Powerpoint Notes | Week Six Class Video |